Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The platform is a free platform for all users.

However, if you have something of large value to sell or you are a business owner, it is advisable to go for our paid advertising. This way, we ensure your adverts are always at the top of the page so that all our website visitors get to see your adverts while the duration of your paid advert lasts.

Of course it is safe to use classified website to source for services or even find goods to buy.

We only advice you to meet the seller in a public place when you have finally decided on the deal and never pay in advance except you know the physical location of the seller or have known the seller personally in the past.

We do not guarantee the sale of any item listed on our platform as we are not the buyer.

However, we strife daily to get more buyers aware of the platform and encourage them to make use of the platform when sourcing for goods and services, thereby getting more viewers to your advertisements.

The sale of your product is dependent on so many factors such as the details, pictures, pricing and much more. Above all, the willingness of the customer to buy.


As more as we try to ensure the platform is safe for both buyers and sellers, you must however understand that we are not the sellers ourselves.

We therefore urge you to please follow our safety rules always when buying/selling on the platform.